In today's video I'll share what I do to stop procrastinating. If you find yourself avoiding the things that need to be done, I hope this video will motivate you and help you to overcome procrastination. Time codes: 0:00 Let's talk about laziness and procrastination 0:59 What works for me 1:37 I don't get motivated by other people's success 2:03 My new approach with Instagram 3:07 The word "must" works too 5:13 I used to hate Mondays 5:58 There is one small thing I need to do right now 6:33 I hate schedules 6:57 You're not alone in this I post daily stories about my life and business routine on my Instagram - ⭐ ENROLL IN MY YOUTUBE COURSE - 💰 INVESTMENT APPS & BOOKS: - Savings Calculator - - Get $50 when you join Personal Capital - - Get two FREE stocks on Webull - - Claim your FREE stock on Robinhood - - Listen to Tony Robbins's audiobook "MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom" - I use affiliate links whenever possible (if you purchase items listed above using my affiliate links, I will get a bonus) #procrastination #motivation #stopprocrastinating #siliconvalleygirl #marinamogilko